Thursday, 12 December 2013

Day Twelve: 10 Things I Know For Sure

A Truth? A Constant? A Wisdom to Share? Your Superpower?
What Are Ten Things You Know For Sure?


  1. Once I got started, it became easier to think of things.

  2. I panicked when I first read the prompt, because my mind went completely blank. Then I thought of one, and the rest just kind of poured out. Funny how that works.

    1. I had the same exact thing happen. I started the post but left it blank for a few hours.

  3. I had the same experience as Kristina and Sarah. I was somewhat intimidated at first, and not sure what I was going to say. But once I started writing, it started to flow...

  4. HELLO BLOGGERS!!! I'm having a heck of a time commenting on some blogs - wp won't let me and my blog is wp but my own domain. If anyone can help me out here, please let me know - I can only seem to get through with a comment if there's a Name/URL option.... :(

    1. Yep - a few of us have had the same problem. I know when this site first went live it had the same restrictions, but Shannon and Jamie were able to change it, so I'm wondering if maybe they could add a message in the next prompt to explain how that is done? I think there are some people who don't even realize they have those settings turned on.

  5. Another fun prompt. Can't wait to see what everyone is sure about.

  6. Gabrielle - I'm having the same problem. Can't figure it out either.

    I caught on the last four days all at once. I'm even allowing my page to be imperfect. What a relief.

  7. This was a good one... at first I sat with "what the heck do I know..." then it poured out.

  8. Took me a little bit but I finally figured them out. I probably know more things for sure but I am not sure.

  9. Caught up after a little break yesterday!

  10. Jen, I took a break yesterday too. I had a hard time writing about that one. Hmmm... But I'm back today and looking forward to reading everyone's posts.

  11. Done finally! Phew! :)

  12. Hey Lovies, just a note on the comments glitches... I did go into my blog and allow anyone to post -- and turned off the word verification -- but I left the moderation turned on -- only because all my blogs are caught in spam traffic h-e-double-hockey-sticks all the time now. I don't want any of those "shady" spam links to post automatically. Hope the other things help to make the commenting easier though! xoxoxo

  13. It's late, but yay, I blogged!

  14. OMG that took so long, but now I can catch up! Great prompt!

  15. Totally behind, but catching up.
